Updates on Footbag Net Competition
The main competition will be held in the high-quality gym on 9 courts. Additional courts for pickups and consolation matches will be available also outdoors, just in front of the leading event site. Due to limited time, we decided to run all competitions using the Rally Scoring system. Every year, we have to fit many events into tight schedules, so please be always on time and ready to play. Otherwise, you will be scratched. The whole competition has to be done in 4 days! If you want to play in Open Singles Net, you have to be ready to start just after the Opening Ceremony (Wednesday, 10:00). If you want to compete in many events, you may end up playing 6 matches per day! Anyway, we can’t wait to see you on the court. Let’s have some fun and kick some #footbag!
Tournament Netbags
We provide quality Netbags for this competition. Please use them and give back at the end of the day to the Tournament Office
Tournament Software - Pools and Draws
We use Tournament Software to give you clear and updated progress of the competition during this week. Follow this link to find details.
Motivos coleccionables de selecciones, clubes de futbol y personalizados con el logo de tu preferencia.
Collect Footbag balls with football teams, clubs and
personalized logo of your choice.
Edgar Camargo Leal
During the 42nd WORLD FOOTBAG CHAMPIONSHIP in Medellín
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